Lst Server Keygen

Lst Server Keygen Rating: 4,0/5 730 votes

Pradeep Singh 18th Aug 2017

Tiny Core (Core) Linux doesn’t come with any default SSH Server, which means you can’t do ssh login if you wish to configure this incredibly sim operating system remotely. If you wish to run Tiny Core on a headless machine and want to configure it remotely over ssh login session, follow this article to configure SSH Server on Tiny Core –

PART – A: Install and Configure SSH

1. Install OpenSSH Package:

Install OpenSSH package using the following command –

May 19, 2018 - Undocumented incompatibilities in r17, ended up fixing that through a flag. LTO still doesn't work on Clang / Windows / AS. At this point I don't.

2. Create SSH Config from Template:

  • LST Server is an additional feature for Lan Speed Test. By using this configuration the client talks directly to the server through the network with no hard drive limitations. This gives more accurate results of True network performance on the client screen. LST Server also makes it possible to test your WAN (internet) connection!
  • LST Server 2 / 6 Table of contents. Communicate to the server without a valid serial number and software key. Registering LST Server Thank you for using LST Server! LST Server does require registration to use. Simply click on the 'Register' button above and follow the instructions.

Copy the example configuration file into the ssh_config file using the following commands –

3. Start the SSH Service:

Start the SSH service using the following command –

4. Change the “tc” User Password:

Change the Password for default “tc” user, so that you can enter this password on ssh user/password prompt. Use the following command to change the password –

Note: If you want to change the Root Password, you can switch to root using “sudo su” and then use the “passwd” command to change the root password.

5. Check the IP Address:

To ssh into your Tiny Core Machine you need the IP Address assigned to it. You can get hold of IP Address using the following command

I am assuming you are using DHCP server. In case you aren’t, follow this article to assign static IP to your Tiny Core machine – Assign Persistent Static IP Address to Tiny Core Linux

6. Verify SSH Service:

You can grep the “sshd” (ps grep ssh) process or you can check if your machine is listening on port 22 using the following command –

7. SHH from a Client Machine:

From Linux client machine you can use ssh tc@IP_Address” command to login to your Tiny Core instance. On windows machines, you can use something like putty client for SSH login.

PART – B: Make the SSH Config Persistent:

As Tiny Core Linux runs into the system memory (RAM), it looses all the configuration changes if the system reboots. To make the configuration persistent you may follow these steps –

1. Edit the ‘.filetool.lst‘ File:

The text file “/opt/.filetool.lst” lists files and directories to be backed up at power down (manually using ‘ -b’ command) and restored (automatically) after reboot. Add Ssh and Password shadow files paths to this file using following 2 commands –

Following is the console output for the same, along with the “cat” command output to display the final contents of the “.filetool.lst” file –

2. Backup Config Files Defined in ‘.filetool.lst‘ File:

Tiny Core includes the ‘filetool‘ utility for saving personal settings and data using the paths defined in ‘/opt/.filetool.lst’. You can trigger the backup using the following command –

Following is the console output for this command –

3. Edit the Startup File:

To load a library or execute a command every time the computer boots up, you need to add it into the ‘/opt/‘ file. Execute the following command to start the Ssh service automatically after system reboot –


backup the configuration using the following command –

Following is the console output for the same, along with the “cat” command output to display the final contents of the “” file –

With this, you are ready to reboot the system to test if the SSH still works. If you want you may reboot the system using “sudoreboot” command.

PART – C: Configure SSH to Login without Passwords:

1. Create SSH Keys on the Client Machine:

On the Linux client machine shell, use “ssh-keygen -t rsa” command to generate the SSH RSA Certificate File.

Make a note of Public Key name and the path from this console output (For example, my Key’s name and the location is mentioned in this line – “Your public key has been saved in /Users/pradeesi/.ssh/”). You will need it in next step.

2. Upload the Public Key from Client Machine to SSH Server:

From the Linux client machine, you can use sftp command to upload the ssh keys onto the Tiny Core machine (On Windows machine, you can use some tool like FileZilla) –

Use “tc” user’s password for authentication.

3. Move and Rename the Client Public Key on SSH Server:

On MicroCore / Tiny Core machine, move the uploaded ssh keys from the home directory to “.ssh” directory (you may need to create .ssh directory using “mkdir .ssh” command) and rename the key file as “authorized_keys” –

4. Make the Certificate File Persistent:

Without making the configuration persistent, you will lose all the configuration changes made during the runtime, if the TinyCore machine reboots. Use following commands to make the config persistent –

Zawgyi font for windows 7 32 bit. Following is the console output of “.filetool.lst” file –

5. Test Password-less SSH Login:

With this, you should be able to login to your Tiny Core instance without password –
